Quote Of The Week – November 7

It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop! by Confucius


Today’s quote talks about never giving up.  You can connect this quote to the story about the Tortoise and the Hare.  Think about who won the race and why.

  1. Who do you know who reminds you of these characters?  
  2. Which character do you think you are most like?  Explain.
  3. How can you apply this quote to your own life?



16 thoughts on “Quote Of The Week – November 7

  1. I think the hare is like my brother because he is always bragging and I think that the tortoise is like my dad because he is very slow and very calm. I think i’m both because I’m very fast and sometimes i’m very calm (but im mostly hyper.) This helped me when I was doing a race and I won while my brother was walking I was so far away

  2. The hare makes me think of my big brother.I think I’m most like the tortoise because I’m always the last one done in my home but mine always looks better.

  3. The tortoise reminds me of me because I was playing baseball and I was going slow around the bases and I still got to home plate. The hare reminds me of my friend Ethan because he fast. I think I am more like the hare because I am fast.But I do not tease or take brakes wen I am racing. wen I play sports I some times takes it slow.

  4. My older brother reminds me of the hare because he likes to tease me.I think I’m like the tortoise because I do everything slow and take my time.When I’m doing gymnastics I take my time learning and doing it.

  5. I think that I`m more like the tortoise and my sister is like the rabbit. Because she brags a lot. I think I`m more like the tortoise because I take my time at things.

  6. I like the tortoise because it was not braging and it did not stop when it was runing. it reminds me of my brothers and a little bite of my sisters.

  7. I think that I`m more like the tortoise! Because me and my sister do a lot of rasies but she all ways wins and I`m behind!I`m like the tortoise because I`m all ways behind like the tortoise.

  8. I like the turtle because he is slow but he never gives up. He takes it slow and steady because he knows that slow and steady wins the race and when the rabbit crossed the finish line he learned a good lesson that fast doesn’t win the race, slow and steady does.

  9. I agree that it doesn’t matter how slow you are it just matters that you never give up. My brother Caden is like the Hare because Caden is always teasing me.
    I think that I am like the totes because a lot of the time I a slow and I don’t let people teas me or my friends multiple times.

  10. I’m like the tortoise because when it’s a school day I don’t want to go so I stay in bed till 7:40 and the bus comes at 8:02 .That is why I am like the tortoise.

  11. I agree with Jakson that it dosint mater if you are fast or not you gust have to try your best.
    my brother is like the here cause he always dose every thing fast.

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