The Toy Elf Shop

We have been learning about Canadian Coins.  Students have examined them, described them, sang songs about them, read poetry about them, sorted them, made patterns with them and wrote about them.

Our culminating project was to create a store in which students had the opportunity to be a shopper as well as a shop-keeper and cashier.  Many students worked together to make items to be sold such as bracelets, candles, and candies.  Then, they gathered other toys from our classroom shelves that would be appropriate to sell as well. Using big blocks and the drama centre, part of our classroom was transformed into “The Toy Elf Shop” (the students named it). Price tags were created and tickets to enter the store were also issued.

A lot of fun learning was had by all as they learned how to spend $5.00, count money, make buying decisions, and keep the store in order.