Investigating force!

Over the past couple of weeks we have been investigating the idea of force. We started out thinking about the movement words, “push” and “pull”.  We used some drama skills to dig a small hole and then we dug a whole pool!

Next, we used the idea of push and pull to create some artwork with finger paint.

Today we thought about pushing and pulling with a little bit of strength and a lot of strength. We set up a crane and wrecking ball, a couple of houses and a wall of cups.

The goal was to use the wrecking ball to knock down the wall without hitting the houses. Students talked as they experimented and came up with ideas about pulling the ball further back, pulling to the side and pushing the ball.

It was a fun inquiry! Thank-you Mystery Science  for the inspiration!

Building Inquiry Moves onto Bridges!

The students have built many different types of houses and gardens and beaches with Lego.

Today we posted this challenge:

Here are some of the responses:

The next step will be to try a variety of building materials and create a list of questions about planning, building, and revising. Then we’ll do some experiments and make connections to structures and forces.

Building Adventures!

Many students have shown great interest in building projects! Up to this point, Lego has been the favourite building material. Students have built projects over a few days, wrote/drew about the project and then presented the project to the class. Pictures and recording sheets then go up onto our “Adventures with Inquiry” board.


Next, we watched a video about being an architect and talked all about that job.

Students have been invited to take on the role of an architect, plan out a building project, create a list of materials and then carry out their plan.  Many different building materials are available and students are engaging in a lot of discovery!