Our Class Realistic Fiction Story!

In a previous post we told you about the planning stage of a realistic fiction story.  We have almost finished writing our story.  We have written an introductory paragraph and three even paragraphs.  While doing the shared writing we learned about all details and “show-not-tell”  That means that we describe the event/emotion/action instead of writing short sentences such as, “She was scared.” 

WE NEED YOUR HELP!  Please read our story below and then reply with an ending of your own.  We’ll then analyze all of the suggested endings and choose the best one! 

It was a marvellously sunny day in Danville.  Kendra was on her way to the biggest park in the neighbourhood. She was hoping that her friends would be there because she was tired of playing by herself.

Kendra skipped the whole way to the park.  when she got there she saw Joseph and Milla walking towards the park.  All three faces litup with giant smiles. Kendra and Milla asked, “Do you want to go on the slide?”  “No way!” Joseph replied.

Joseph crossed his arms and asked, “Do you want to play tag instead?” The girls looked at each other and answered, “No way hosea!” Joseph looked nervous and whispered, “I’m scared to go down the giant slide.”

So Kendra and Milla said, “We’ll go down first and show you that it’s not so scary.” The girls were laughing and smiling as they climbed the ladder.  Joseph was shaking inside and he could feel his heart beating as he watched the girls.  They waved to Joseph and flew down the slide as a train.