Poppies-A Symbol To Remember

We have read the poem, “In Flanders Fields”, talked about what Remembrance Day is all about  and the symbols we have around this special day.

Today we used our art skills to create a piece of art with a Remembrance Day theme.  We used black because we decided that it is the colour that reminds us of fighting, anger, and sadness.  We used green because that colour makes us think of growth, hope and new beginnings.  We used red because it is the colour of blood but also a warm colour that makes us remember that  soldiers are good people fighting for positive things.

We also thought about some elements of design.  One of our goals was to use space, thinking of filling the top, middle and bottom. We also used paint and brushes to create texture.

4 thoughts on “Poppies-A Symbol To Remember

  1. dear mrs hackett i enjoyed making popies for rembernce day. beacuse we were allowed to put black buttons for the middle of the popie we were alowed to put leavs and buds. we painted ped for the popie black for the backround i made 3 popies and one bud from chris

  2. I liked doing the art but I didn,t like the red and the black because it is sadness and blood.I liked the green because it meens hope and I like hope.

  3. Ireally like rememberence day alot beacase we rwmember the people who fout in the war. And its also nice to know that we were part of the people they were pertecting Ireally love how the solgers try there best to servive in the war. And I feal happy when the solgers come hom alive

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