
Today we read the story, “Bamboozled”.

A girl is visiting her grandfather. They have a cup of tea from a watering can and drink from flower pots. They play cards. Grampa always wins. They plant flower bulbs that look like light bulbs in a gardent hat looks like a bed. They look through photo albums and do some other things that seem strange to us. In the end the girl is not bamboozled by all the strange things. She is bamboozled by the fact that her grandfather is wearing socks that do not match.

Students: What personnal connection did you make while reading this story? How did this connection   help you to better understand the story?

Visitors:  Tell us about someone you can be silly with!

A picture like this bamboozled us in the story!

11 thoughts on “Bamboozled!

  1. We once wore not matching socs like the Grandpa.In taylors house there is an elevater everybody gets bamboozled by taylor and kiara

  2. This story Bamboozoold makes a cenekshin to me because it reminds me of when I made my room crazy.It help me understand the story because I was having a fun day.

  3. My mom gave me socks i put them on and they didnt mach.I told my mom why did you give me socks that dont mach.She tricked me with tose socks.

  4. A conechin I hade to the story was when the girl was planting the light balb it reminds me of when I was plantig flowers with my mom

  5. A connection i made with Bamboozled was wearing two diffrent socks and planting bulbs remineds me when i planted my flower for Mother’s day last year

  6. the story bamboseled reminded me of when I wore not maching socks and everyone was saying that something was rong but I had no Ideia what was rong I kept on saying what is rong they said look at your feet I said ok now I get it its just my not maching soks that I am waring thats whats been so wired all along today but now that we figyerd it out we still thot that something was rong I just thot my dad was citting but when I was looking at his head I saw A bowl on his head I thot it was really funny the end!

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