Community Agreements

In our classroom we have 4 community agreements:

  1. Right To Pass
  2. Attentive Listening
  3. Appreciation
  4. Mutual Respect

We have taken a lot of time to establish these rules so that our classroom is a safe and positive place for all to be. Today we completed an art project to “seal the deal”.

We talked a bit about hand shakes and how some people show their agreement to a deal with a handshake. So, we decided to put our hands on our Community Agreement board as a symbol of a handshake.

First students traced their hands. Then they used a variety of lines, shapes, and designs to make their hands unique. We talked about how the designs they used can reflect their personalities and show a variety of feelings. Then, students used markers, water and paintbrushes to paint their hands.

The last step was to reflect on the agreements and think about which ones were the most important.  We came to the conclusion that they are all important!