A Rainbow World

This week we spent a lot of time exploring the concept of diversity and thinking about how we can work and play together to make others feel good.  We read the book: The World Made a Rainbow.  The students realized that the colours came together to create something that made people smile, even when we couldn’t spend time together.

We then listened to and sang the song, “A Rainbow World”  This song was a great way to introduce the idea that we all look different but when we come together we can be something great-just like a rainbow! Here is a video of another group of students performing the song!

Students all made a rainbow to display in our class. They used cutting and gluing skills.

Students used their drawing and writing skills to create a mural about working and playing together.

Then, students explored the concept of diversity further as they played with dolls representing children around the world!

With two more stories we made self-to-text and text-to-text connections, further exploring the idea of celebrating our differences and how we become something amazing when we come together!


It was time to do some writing! Students participated in a sharing circle, “What makes you special?” The students helped me to write some ideas to complete the sentence, “I am special because…” and then they got to work with independent writing.

It all came together with one bulletin board, “Each one of us is UNIQUE, but when we get TOGETHER the picture is COMPLETE!


Builders and Bulldozers

We had a lot of fun in the gym today as we learned a new game. Students learned to move around the gym in different ways and at different speeds. They learned to freeze in different poses which gave us a chance to talk about high, medium and low positions. Lastly the students had opportunities to be both builders and bulldozers.  The game gave students a chance to work on following rules and strategizing.  Next day, we’ll talk more about teamwork and build on strategies.

Thanks to https://thephysicaleducator.com/ for this game!

Circles in a Different Way!

We continued our exploration of circles and colours and added in the artist, Kandinsky.

We watched a couple of videos to learn about this artist and his art style. There was a lot of discussion about the shapes and colours he used as well as how the artwork made us feel and the thoughts we had.

Then it was time to begin our own creations.  Students started by drawing concentric circles. They chose warm and cool colours to paint the circles.  We used water colour paints! The students learned that the technique was a little different than painting with regular tempura paint.

We put our creations together and produced a masterpiece!

Math Centres This Week-March

Here’s a look into the math centres we are engaging with this week!