Drawing With Picasso!

This project began with a video about an artist named Picasso!

Then we examined some of Picasso’s paintings online and talked about the colours he used and the types of lines he used, as well as the feelings his paintings created.

Then it was time for us to get our creative juices flowing! First we drew self-portraits using Picasso’s portraits as inspiration.

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Next, we used oil pastels to colour the portrait and background.

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Here are our final results! Click on a student’s name to see his/her portrait.




Math Games

Playing games is an important part of our Math Workshop!

“People of all ages love to play games that are fun and motivating. Games give students opportunities to explore fundamental number concepts, such as the counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and computation strategies. Engaging mathematical games can also encourage students to explore number combinations, place value, patterns, and other important mathematical concepts. Further, they afford opportunities for students to deepen their mathematical understanding and reasoning.” by Kitty Rutherford, NCTM.org

Be sure to check out the Math Games page on this blog to learn how to play many of the games that students are playing in our classroom. Have some fun, too and try playing something new.


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The BFG Giants, Reading, Summarizing, and Debating!

We put a lot of skills to work today as we progressed through reading workshop! First students worked on Buddy Reading as they read and talked about short passages about some of the giants in The BFG.img_14751


Some students used highlighters to help themselves identify the important information.

Once the reading was done and the passage discussed, students presented their findings to the class.

It was then time to make a decision: Which giant is the most horrible of all?




Students moved to specific spots around the room as they made their decisions. Some students changed their minds img_14761as they listened to their peers make convincing arguments! It seems the majority of students agree with the BFG that the Fleshlumpeater is the most horrible of all.



Some students remained firm in their beliefs, even though they were the only ones with that belief! Now that takes courage and positive thinking!


Let’s Get In Shape!

Math class today was all about making shapes grow!  As a class we investigated squares.img_14671

First we made a model. Then we drew our model. After that we put the information into a T-chart and looked for patterns.

Students were then given a choice to create a growing pattern with either a triangle or a rhombus.

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After making their models students recorded their findings, put information into a T-chart, and wrote about pattern rules.





Our next step is to talk about what makes a good pattern rule!

In A Dark Wood

In music class today we learned about using volume to give music and chants more feeling.  Students learned some of the words and symbols used to mark volume. We marked this chant with appropriate symbols.

Please come to the Friday assembly to hear us perform it!  We’ll also post a video of it here on the blog.

Quote Of The Week

Our Quote Of The Week for this week is:

“They can because they think they can.” said by Virgil

We talked about what this quote means.  It’s message is that as long as you try you can accomplish great things.  In order to be successful you must try and work hard towards your goal.  Positive thinking is important! If you want to succeed and you have the determination to work hard, anything is possible!

Do you agree with this quote?  Tell about a time when positive thinking helped you.

Visualizing With The BFG

An important reading strategy we all use is visualizing. When readers visualize what is happening in the story, they remember more of what they read or hear.

Making a picture or mental image helps readers in understanding what they read by creating images in their mind, based on the details in the text and their prior knowledge.

Roald Dahl uses very descriptive language in The BFG! As we read a paragraph describing the Bloodbottler we just had to get out our markers and draw what we thought he looked like!