Falling Back In Space Art

First we drew a picture of ourselves. We traced our hands and feet.

Next, we outlined our picture with a Sharpie because you can’t see the pencil very well.

After that, we painted the picture. We used paint brushes and water-colour paint.


We were excited to do this art project! We had fun because we were able to be creative.

Writer’s Workshop

Every morning, during first block, our class participates in Writer’s Workshop.  This is a time when we focus on being writers and developing our writing skills. Right now we are working through the writing process.  We planned ideas about an artifact from our lives. Then we drafted paragraphs, using those ideas.  Today, we looked at how to revise our drafts.  Thank-you, Logan, for letting us use your draft to try out our revising skills for the first time this year!

Look at Logan’s draft:

What would you do to revise this piece of writing?

We did three things:

  1. moved a sentence
  2. added some words
  3. took away a sentence

Good writers always ask themselves, “Does this writing sound as good as it could?”