The Pizza Parlor!

The students had a lot of fun with this project! We started out brainstorming ideas of what we would need to create a pizza parlor in our classroom.  Students came up with ideas for pizza toppings, types of pizza, restaurant names, menus, and jobs.  The construction began!


We read a lot of pizza themed books along the way. One of our favourites was, “Every night is Pizza Night!” Not only did it spark discussions about pizza, we talked about a lot of new foods too!

Once the construction was over the play began.  Students trained to be chefs, waiters, hosts, and customers.  Students learned a lot about manners, questioning, organizing, and drama skills.  A lot of fun learning was had by all!


Force of Motion Christmas Trees

We learned a little about gravity with this art project!  First, students moved paint around using forks and combs. This became the snow on our trees.

Next, students experimented with moving marbles around the box lid.  They tried to make the marbles move all over the box. We talked about the best strategies to move the marbles without having them jump out of the box.  That’s where the word, “gravity” came in! We added some drops of paint and watched as the marbles made the paint move across the snowy trees.

The finished art project is beautiful!

A Community Project

Our culminating project for our community unit is in full swing!

First we drew some maps to plan out the community.  Students needed to consider what would be in the community and then prioritize all of their ideas.  A map was drawn!

Then students needed to decide on the order of events.  They used ordinal numbers to think about first, second, next, then, last. They also had to divide up the work.  What a learning experience it was to accept that not everyone could build roads. Some people needed to make buildings, some needed to make signs, and many needed to wait for a turn to do a job.

Next came the name.  There were many ideas, so we decided that a  vote would be best.  So much learning happened as students engaged in the voting process and accepted the majority’s decision!

The name chosen was, “Danger Town”.  A sign  was  made  and  posted.

Students are really enjoying their play and discovery in the community they created.


A 3D Community Map

Last week we read some books about communities. Below are 2 of our favourites.

Then we brainstormed all the places we might find in a community.

Students had some time to explore a variety of materials to create a 3D map of a community independently.  Today, we tried it as a whole class and used our carpet as a boundary.  Having a bigger space to work motivated the students to work together as they built a variety of pieces of the 3D map.  They designed the road network, chose appropriate blocks to represent buildings, created a river and pond, built hills and bridges, and a clock tower. It was fantastic to see the cooperative skills in play during this project!

An Invitation To Create

Three new provocations were set out this week.

Provocations allow and encourage children to experience the world for themselves through open-ended activities without being overtly guided by a teacher or parent. The idea behind provocations is to encourage children to think independently by encouraging their interests and the exploration of those interests.

Can you make a poppy?

What can you build?

What community will you build?

A Pumpkin Inquiry

We have had a couple of weeks filled with pumpkins!

First we started out observing a variety of pumpkins and use descriptive language to talk about them. Students used all of their senses to talk about the pumpkins. Next we recorded what we noticed about the pumpkins as well things we wondered. Add a pumpkin drawing and our anchor chart was very attractive.

Next came the pumpkin patch! This experience included a read aloud, a virtual field trip, and the creation of our own pumpkin patch!

Some bigger pumpkins arrived in our class and as we cut them open we learned about the parts of a pumpkin and developed oral and written language as we labelled a picture and talked about the real pumpkins.

Math happened as we scooped out the seeds and made predictions about which pumpkin contained the most seeds. We used a balance scale to help with our predictions and then began making rows of seeds to count.

There were lots of stories read and songs sang, all about pumpkins! Here are some of our favourites:


A Very Busy Afternoon!

Our classroom is a very busy place during afternoon inquiry time.  Here is a sampling of the activities that are happening this week!

Leafman Creations


This project involved reading the book “Leafman” by Lois Ehlert. We talked about the different shapes found in nature that can be used to create pictures. Then we headed outside with some empty frames, gathered materials and created pictures. The last step was to use oral language skills to talk about the pictures. We put it all together in this video!

Parents:  Head outside with your child! Notice the natural materials around you and gather a variety of items.  I wonder what your child will create?  Please send us pictures to show the class that will prompt discussion and build our oral language skills!

Fall Leaves

As we walked around our school yard we noticed that the leaves are changing colours!  Students described the colours they saw and noticed that different trees have different coloured leaves. We also noticed that there are leaves on the trees, leaves on the ground, and leaves swirling in the air!

This inspired us to paint fall trees to show the colour and movement of leaves.

First, we drew long, tall trunks and some branches with crayons and pastels. Then, we used tinfoil to stamp the leaves.



Birds’ Nests!

A couple of birds’ nests were brought into our classroom!

First, we described each nest.  “What do you notice?”  Students made a lot of comparisons as they used descriptive language to talk about the nests. Then, we talked about questions we had.  “What do you wonder?”

Students were then given the challenge to build a nest themselves. They searched for materials and got to work!

Lots of different nests were built!  It was a fun outdoor learning experience!