Comparing Lengths with Christmas Trees

We have begun a math unit all about measurement.  We have been talking about the words shorter and longer to compare the length of a variety of objects.

We discussed the shape of an evergreen tree – a triangle, and talked about how the longest branches are at the bottom and the shortest branches are at the top.

The challenge was posed to the class – How can we place these branches on the tree trunk to make it look like an evergreen tree? These were their first two tries.

The students did a little more thinking and moving and figured it out! Great teamwork!

Then it was time to each student to try it on their own! This was an opportunity for students to use their measuring and comparing skills as well as develop their spatial awareness.

Polar Express Project

This project began on Monday when students found this in our classroom.

Students made predictions about what could be inside and we had a discussion about self-control.  It was hard not to open it right away!

Today came and students walked into a classroom with lots of big boxes, paper, glue, scissors, tape, markers and a picture on the white board.

It didn’t take long for many to suggest that they could build a train!  The construction began.  So much cooperation was in play as the construction site developed.

Once the construction site was cleaned up the play began!

Then it was time to open the present.  Inside students found bells, a train whistle, tickets, and a hole punch.  There were enough tickets for everyone so they boarded the train and listened to the story of the polar express!  Everyone will take a bell home today to remind them of the fun they had with the Polar Express!

December Math Centres

There is a lot of math happening this week.  Here are a few of the centres we are working through!


Holiday Countdown

The countdown is on! The students used scissor skills and other fine motor skills to cut out a bell and make a paper chain.  A lot of students thought about patterns as they used both red and green paper strips to make their chain.

Now, each day we take a link off and count how many school days are left before the winter holiday. Students are reviewing counting forwards and backwards to ten.

Force of Motion Christmas Trees

We learned a little about gravity with this art project!  First, students moved paint around using forks and combs. This became the snow on our trees.

Next, students experimented with moving marbles around the box lid.  They tried to make the marbles move all over the box. We talked about the best strategies to move the marbles without having them jump out of the box.  That’s where the word, “gravity” came in! We added some drops of paint and watched as the marbles made the paint move across the snowy trees.

The finished art project is beautiful!