Math Learning Centres

Math centres are fun, open-ended activities that provide students with the opportunities to practise their math skills.  Students learn independence as they move freely around the activities.  They have a chance to work with a variety of peers and build new friendships.  This is also a time for the educators to work with small groups according to specific needs.

Here are a few of the activities this week:

A Very Busy Afternoon!

Our classroom is a very busy place during afternoon inquiry time.  Here is a sampling of the activities that are happening this week!

A Classroom Agreement!

Today we started to read a story about feelings and actions. We got to the page with the big word “Responsible” on it. Students talked about things they do at home to demonstrate responsibility.
“I make my bed.”
“I clean my room.”
“I help my mom.”
“I snuggle with my stuffy.”
“I eat my dinner.”

So I asked the question, “What does responsibility look like at school?”
This is what we came up with:

Students then signed the poster to show that they agree to be responsible in our classroom.

Leafman Creations


This project involved reading the book “Leafman” by Lois Ehlert. We talked about the different shapes found in nature that can be used to create pictures. Then we headed outside with some empty frames, gathered materials and created pictures. The last step was to use oral language skills to talk about the pictures. We put it all together in this video!

Parents:  Head outside with your child! Notice the natural materials around you and gather a variety of items.  I wonder what your child will create?  Please send us pictures to show the class that will prompt discussion and build our oral language skills!

Fall Leaves

As we walked around our school yard we noticed that the leaves are changing colours!  Students described the colours they saw and noticed that different trees have different coloured leaves. We also noticed that there are leaves on the trees, leaves on the ground, and leaves swirling in the air!

This inspired us to paint fall trees to show the colour and movement of leaves.

First, we drew long, tall trunks and some branches with crayons and pastels. Then, we used tinfoil to stamp the leaves.



Literacy Centres

Each morning students come into the room and choose a literacy centre to engage in.  There are a large variety of centres for students to choose from that tap into a variety of learning styles.  Students move around centres at their own pace and according to their own preferences/interests.  Most activities are open-ended so that all students may access the learning activity as well as feel some challenge.

Here is a sampling of today’s activities.  Activities change often!