First Writing Project Of The Year!

Our first writing project of this year was a creative writing piece to enter into the Elmvale Fall Fair.

First, students brainstormed a list of ideas together. Then they each got to work writing a draft with paper and pencil.  The next step – Google Docs!  Students tried out their revision skills as they learned how to use Google Docs to write a second draft.

We engaged in some mini-lessons about writing complete sentences that make sense, adding details using our five senses, and re-organizing our ideas.

Fun In The Leaves

Artwork created to enter into the Elmvale Fall Fair!

Theme:  Fun In The Leaves!


A Hungry Lion!

Today we voted on our favourite book of last week. A Hungry Lion, written by Lucy Cummins won the vote.

In this story there is a hungry lion and a lot of animals.  There is a surprise party. The lion turns off all the lights and then the hungry lion eats all of the animals except the turtle. Along comes a ravenous T-Rex.

We love this book because it was funny.  There were some surprises. There was some interested vocabulary.  We loved the word, “dwindling”!

A Teddy Bear Adventure

Our class has begun a new adventure – a teddy bear adventure!  This is a global project that we will be participating in all year.  In the summer I met a new friend from Argentina – Ms. Kaczorkiewicz.  She gave me a teddy bear from her class – Alicia Felpudita.  This teddy bear would like to learn all about Canada and our Wyevale community.

In return we will be sending our teddy bear – Maple the Moose to Argentina to learn all about life in that country.

Throughout this project students will be writing from the point of view of Alicia, conducting inquiries about various countries and making comparisons to our community, interacting with students from around the world, and building global awareness.

We have set up a blog to document this project and will be adding to it weekly.  You can access the blog from the page at the top of this blog titled, “A Teddy Bear Adventure”. You may access it directly by going to the following web address:


Today we have added a third agreement to our community agreement wall.  It is called Appreciation. An example of appreciation is when you thank someone, when you help, and when you tell someone that you like something they did.  You can show appreciation with words and actions.  Appreciation is important because it makes people feel awesome.  When you feel good about yourself you can accomplish lots.

So, in our class we have agreed to show appreciation everyday!