Games! Games! Games!

Game Day! was the message we found in our countdown balloon today.  So, we spent the middle block playing games. We started outside with a game of pass-ball.  then we moved inside for some other games.  The only rule was: No electronics!  It was amazing to see all of the cooperation and positive sportsmanship in the class as we all tried some new games and played some old favourites!

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Optical Ilusions!

Today we explored a website and learned about optical illusions.  We learned that they are pictures that trick the eye.  Be sure to click the link under student activities!

Then we created our own optical illusions. First, we used a ruler to draw a diagonal line.  Then we drew rectangles, making sure that the corner of each rectangle was on the line.  After that we finished using a ruler to draw rays until the page was full.  We then drew a figure on top of the checker pattern.  Lastly, we coloured in a special checker pattern to create the illusion.  Can you see the man in the picture?

Talent show

talent show 2013Being in the talent show is scarry,fun and exiting. Onlly some kids got to be in  the talent show!if you want to be in the talent show you have to audition if they said yes you get to be on stage.When you go on stage you have to do your talent in front of parents and kids. Lots of people will be watching you  on stage.There are 2 ways that you can be in the talent show can audition and they say yes can win the  lip sink. The talent show is fun if you are in it or not .It is awesome to watch and to be in it. The kids that are in our class  are Kiara,Taylor,Rachel,Haliey,Kaliey,Carson and Nicky. It is amazing going on the talent show stage! By:Taylorand Kiara